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Monday 8 August 2011


THE photograph showing THE MOON AT FIRST QUERTER,one week before a full moon.Some of the largest features are labelled,and many of these can be identified with the naked eye.Binoculars or a small telescope will show many more.
             The word MARE  means SEA in latin.Astronomers once thought that the MOON was Earth like.but these dark areas are in solidified lava which flooded into giant impact creaters ,formed when the moon was young.The MARIA have rather fancitful names :'Ocean of Stroms" . while mare serentiatists is the " Sea Of Serencity".The craters are named mostly after famous astronomers of the past.
           The visibility of lunar features depends on the phase of the moon ,At full moon ,for example ,the surface appears very bright and  some features are hard to see.When the moon is less bright and the angle of  light from the sun causes features that face of earth to cast shadows (as in the photograph) many more features can be seen.

Sunday 24 July 2011


As well as stars ,our galaxy contains nebulae,huge clouds of gas & dust-the raw materials from which stars are made.In some nebulae stars are in the process of being born.This is happening in the Orion the constellation Orion..The nebula is in the middle of the sword hanging from Orion`s belt. and is 1500 light years away. The light of the new stars forming within it illuminates the nebula,making it visible to the naked eye as a faint misty patch.